Tuesday, October 14, 2008


This morning i woke up late as usual. Tapi ini hari agak lambat sikit at 9.36a.m. Cam biasa saya juga agak feminine dari segi menyiapkan diri. One hour lepas tu baru aku keluar rumah untuk menyambung sisa sisa hidup di kantor.

As i was driving on the highway to KL, aku ternampak kelibat kereta Proton Satria Neo bernombor pendaftaran wqj 9850. Tetiba je rasa tak sedap. Ahhh, ni tak boleh jadi. Persetankan dia.. Dari aku cucuk jamban keta dia yang seharusnya aku mencucuk jamban dia lepas raya tahun lepas, adalah lebih baik aku tekan lebih sikit minyak keta aku. Apa ada hal harga minyak dah turun kan ari ni.

Lalu aku in position of side by side dgn keta dia barang sekelip dua kelip mata. I saw her, gila datang menyampah aku tengok. Aku tekan minyak lagi kasi lagi laju. Nescaya vios memang laju la. Terus aku ilang dari pandangan dia dan pemandu pemandu yang lain.

Tu la, belum kawin kau dah ceraikan aku, padan muka kau. Nanti kalau aku kawin (sila kemukakan borang permohonan jika berkelayakan), orang lain dapat invitation card yang kecik, kau punya aku buat sebesar neo kau. Serve you right.....

MINYAK TURUN.. TAPI...... (seperti drama melayu)

Another good news, harga minyak turun lagi. 15sen per litre. Ini bermakna harga minyak yang dilonjakan to RM2.7o in June 2008 has been reduced to RM2.30 PER LITRE. Gila best. Tapi yang tak best nya, price untuk other consumer goods still sama. Gila bangsat kan??? The other day, when the government decided to increase the price of consumer goods, alasannya: -

1. Insufficient stock beras untuk dimasak yang memaksa mak gua buat dracstic action. Katanya " sorry kids, eat before you come back sbb aku tak masak and dinner kat luar".
2. Harga bahan bakar naik mendadak. Harga bahan api untuk rokok iaitu lighter masih sama. Cuma rokok punya harga yang naik. Ini telah menimbulkan ketidakselesaan peparu aku yang selama ini dah imune dgn nicotine salem lights telah mengalami culture shock sebab terpaksa menerima nicotine winston lights.
3. Peningkatan gaya dan taraf hidup. Hal ini memang takde kena mengena dengan aku.

La ni: -

1. Stock beras sudah melebihi paras cukup macam emas bongkal bongkal
2. Harga bahan bakar kembali menyusut. Harga rokok camtu jugak. Kepala"tut" betui....
3. Gaya dan taraf idup gua macam ni jugak, lebih lebih lagi di pengujung rancangan tahun 2008.

Kasi la turun harga barang lain jugak la wooiii..

Thursday, October 9, 2008


I've noticed that the last quarter of the year selalunya tak berapa ngam fengsui nya. For industrialist, the last three months of the year are always quiet. Business transaction tak berapa nak ada. For shipping industry, numbers of TEUs memang drop tremendously as not many cargo movement in Internatioal trade sector. Business owners mula scratch kepala yang ada dalam duaplo tigoplo helai rambut sebab bonus to be paid to the employees. Gua mengalami syndrom mati akal agung yang hebat. Mula la otak berfungsi dalam mode kekalutan setelah hampir 9 bulan tidak sangat diutilisekan.

Today is only 9th October 2008. Ini bermakna ada lebihan seramai 84 hari lagi kurang lebih sebelum ledakan fireworks dan kakitangan dikalangan Bung and Baiya di KLCC dan Dataran Merdeka untuk tujuan sambutan tahun baru. Arghh, bapak lama. Itu belum diconvert kepada jam yang hampir atau minit yang hampir atau dibundarkan kepada saat yang hampir. Gila banyak hari lagi nak ngadap.. I have succeeded in some benda and and the same time i have uninvited problems yang kena dihadapi. i don't have the strength to face them all. Banyak dul. Apo nak buek... nasib badan. Putaran roda hidup has brought me ke bawah sekarang.

So dengan ini saya berazam mula dari lepas ini, saya akan mengimplement kan perkara beriku: -

1. Mandi sebab dah pukul 10pm
2. Merosakan paru paru yang sudah berusia 27 tahun lebih.
3. Tidur selepas berguling guling tanpa irama bollywood di atas katil selama 180 - 240 minit.

In few hours lagi, akan bermula kembali rancangan "adeh, saket kapla" yang mengisahkan not that amazing race in 84 days.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Pak Lah has finally confirmed not to contest for the top seat in the coming UMNO general meeting. Gila teruja mendengar khabar ini. But, there are still many UMNO leaders not happy with this good news. The question we should ask ourselves adalah are we ready to have Najib Tun Razak to take the lead??? Is he capable enough to reform the party yang dah very well corrupted, macam UMNO disciplinary council yang mengadu dah banyak receive complaints pasal bribing untuk coming UMNO general meeting.

A lot of UMNO and other political leaders yang frustrated sebab KJ buat banyak plata are keeping their fingers crossed agar (perghh, agar??? gila besar word ni) ACA will start opening file for this young fella and take him before the court of justice.

Soalan yang kedua berbunyi kembali begini; what do we expect from the decision he made earlier today? Jawapan Melayu paling senang adalah berbunyi begini; Pak Lah kena resign sebab dia lembut. Melayu tak pikir panjang. Think for the long run for god sake la people. What we need adalah some actions to bring us to the track that we want. Najib jadi PM??? Ask around especially to the Chinese. They won't be happy sangat with the decision sebab Najib has created a racist remark with "his" keris. Apa barang mandikan keris pakai darah Cina. Pakai la air dengan limau. Nak lagi bersih, AXION pun dah ada dengan either lime or lemon. Pilih je. Just for record, takut gua pulak kena tahan. I was told this story by MCA member in Serdang after general election few months ago.

Now we all get what we want. Are you happy now??? Remember, another mistake kalu, we will only invite a bigger discord.

For the past 50 years, our nation dibelai dengan manja by UMNO. It is time for the people to wake up as Pak Lah has already awaken from his sleep. Look at the minority or those yang tidak sangat dipamper by our government. They have more successful stories to tell to their generation. But what do you want to tell to your generation? The downfall of UMNO.??? Wake up fellas..Work harder, strive harder, prosper like other races. Wake up young guns and start giving back to the nation.

Let us do the right thing for UMNO and for the nation. Get the people who can serve the nation dari yang hanya pandai mencuri our wealth to be our leaders in UMNO. We are taxpayers. We are voters. We are Malaysians.

Dulu our beloved Tun cakap Melayu mudah lupa, hangpa marah. La, Pak Lah nak gi tidoq, hangpa jangan ikut tidoq.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

damn.....................................i'm so broke

the day started at 9am. too tired to open my eyes.. for the past few days, sleeping pills jadi good friend.. i was late..yamahai.. thank god jalan incik loke yew dah besar dah dia.. went to cimb @klcc to reconfirm plata in my account.. kaninaaaa....duitku pupus.. masuk je opis without further due aku usha ketat la semua account account kewangan dengan gaya khir toyo mengcover perbendaharaan dari a.c.a.. eh eh, betullaaaa, i'm broke.. soalannya berbunyi begini "mano nak cokau duaplohompekrimbun nak bayar duit plastic". i didn't realise that i've spent that much.. gilo ko opo... tetiba je idea beras nasional came up.. yeah..yeah... abiskan serdak serdak agung untuk menebus plastic dan tetak tetak plastic tu so that hati menjadi puas tanpa was was.. selepas itu kertas kertas cek hendaklah dihiris halus sebelum dicampak kan kedalam bakul untuk dihidangkan bersama sampah sampah yang lain.. from now onwards, saya warganegara malaysia, mendukung cita cita, mengamalkan prinsip rukun negara without having the fear dipanggil penghutang. wassalamuuu.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

it's a nice day to be alive

testing, testing, 1, 2, 3.. testing.. finally.. mr tom cruise (as mentioned by wah ngah maznah yg dituduh nyanyuk - apahal nak dengki pasal wah ngah panggil gua tom cruise) has created his blog... aku??? blogging???...why?...what's the purpose??? still thinking why... perhaps he is not happy with something, or maybe he had enough of staring at the laptop screen for no reason.. i can't tell why.. just read and enjoy your day.. cheers